João Lucas

Portuguese – born in Lisbon in 1964 – he started studying music aged 8 and obtained the highest grade in piano from the National Conservatory of Music.  His eclectic abilities range from composition to the performing arts, popular music  (as musical arranger and director), and musical performance (as a pianist).

At the start of his career, he collaborated on phonographic recordings and/or live music sessions with diverse popular music artists such as Fausto, Sérgio Godinho, Vitorino, José Mário Branco, Janita Salomé, Júlio Pereira, João Afonso and Luís Pastor, to name a few.

He has worked in collaboration with some of the most consequential theatre and dance creators in Portugal, having contributed as composer on around ninety pieces, many of which have won national and international awards.

Based in Brasília since 2010, he has a Master of Arts from the University of Brasília, his dissertation being on the Compositional Processes for Scene.  He is currently doing his PhD at the same university.

He is the author and producer of the CDs: “Abstract Mechanics” (2008), “Era um Redondo Vocábulo/It Was a Round Word” (2009 – in collaboration with João Afonso), “Paisagens Propícias/Favourable Landscapes” (2013) and “Cerrado Atlântico/Closed Atlantic” (2019 – in partnership with the  guitarist Jaime Ernest Dias).

He co-wrote and produced the CD “DanDau”, (1999 – in partnership with the Clara Andermatt Company). He also recorded “Ontology” (Brasília, 2015 – with André Togni and Luiz Rocha), “The Dude’s Session”, (2012 – in partnership with influential figures on the improvised music  scene in Portugal, like Carlos Zíngaro and Rodrigo Amado). 

He has composed and produced music for film,  writing the sound tracks for various animated shorts and feature films. He won the award for best sound track in the XXIIIth Edition of the Caminhos do Cinema Português for his work on the film “A Gruta de Darwin/Darwin’s Cave” by Joana Toste.