GAVIÃO (Sparrowhawk) is the name of a village set on the hillside of a range of rocky peaks inhabited by huge Vultures.
It is in this village in the centre of Portugal, close to where the river Tagus crosses the monumental Portas de Rodão, that OCIDENTAL FILMES decided to develop their project ANIMATIONFARM.
Installed in a centuries old manor house, ANIMATIONFARM is intent on being a training centre for animated film, and on evolving a production and international co-production hub where research and experimentation play a central role.
In collaboration with national and international academic institutions, the project is evolving a set of activities which, as well as producing and exhibiting, will also include developing post-graduate courses, workshops and artistic residences, to name a few.
ANIMATIONFARM is an Ocidental Filmes project. OCIDENTAL FILMES is a production company set up by Luís Correia, with the aim of creating an audiovisual production hub in the Beira Baixa, dedicated to developing projects of Creative documentary, webdoc and animated films.